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Rejecting Stones

When the faithful become focused on the secular things in Church governance - money, power, politically-driven relationships (you know, you've seen it) - they are already shunning humility, shutting out the prayers of Liturgy, and shaming those whose life is centered in prayer and service. To put it differently, they are rejecting the stones upon which a real parish is built.

Congregations don't come together, survive, grow, and thrive into the future without sincere devotion and prayer. This is true of the interior life as well. We can't stand against the powers of evil or the dastardly things that people do in parishes unless we are fed by living waters and stand on the cornerstone of Christ. For as it says in Acts 4:11, "the stone that was rejected by you, the builders; it has become the cornerstone.”

If you find yourself in a position at home, work or church where you are being berated for your commitment to prayer and for following Christ's will in your life, remember to anchor yourself to the Cross. It is the only foundation upon which any person or parish is built.

Pray for those who think they themselves are the rock.

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