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Vocal Prayer


Vocal prayers are known as the 'prayer of the body'.  They are the simplest, most accessible prayers, which bring us into contact with God.  They are prayed in community and alone.


Vocal prayers aid us in being able to focus our intellect on the subject of God, our emotion on the experience of God, our body on the act of praying, our will on the relationship with God, and our spirit on the presence of God. 


In addition to Sunday Liturgy and a liturgical calendar that defines the year by feasts and fasts, we are also encouraged to pray in ways that help shape the day (e.g., the Lord's Prayer, prayer before meals, and prayers of petition, intercession, blessing, adoration, thanksgiving, and praise).


Vocal prayer is a prerequisite for the ability to internalize prayer, which leads to meditation, and ultimately contemplation. 


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