When you were ill, Lazarus,
Jesus said it would not end you.
He transformed your misery,
So the Glory of God could be revealed.
Pray that our suffering is not wasted.
The apostles warned Jesus not to go,
But He reproved them.
We must walk in the Light
And stay far from the dark of night.
Help us destroy the tombs we make.
Thomas encouraged the disciples
To die with you, Lazarus.
When Jesus arrived, your body was buried.
For the sake of life in the Trinity,
Teach us to die a little more to the world.
When Jesus saw the grief of His friends
He groaned and cried and suffered with them.
Remaining in the Spirit, He persisted to the cave.
Lifting up His petition to the Father, Jesus commanded Lazarus.
Demand we come forth, too!
Remind us that we are loved like Lazarus!
Loosed from our bonds!
Freed from our trepidation!
Helped! Saved!
And shown mercy!
