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Be Watchful While the World is Blind

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

Where your eyes are focused, your mind is trained to see; and surely your heart is fixed to follow. What do you look at every day? Your desk at work? The work boots you wear? Is it an empty wallet? A full one? Do you stare at people passing by? How about the Internet? Or, television?

Our Father in Heaven lit a lamp by giving us commandments. Christ shined His light on life's path by giving us sacraments. The Spirit stokes the fires of our hearts by wounding us with an eternal love. Be watchful...

"From the early morning, the eagle sits on the tip of a high crag. Its sparking eyes hungrily seek out prey. It rises into the blue sky, swims in the wide expanse on extended wings, and seeks its prey. And when it finds its prey, it becomes an arrow, a lightning bolt as it attacks; then it rises like an arrow again with its prey and disappears. Once the chicks are fed, the eagle again is on watch, either on the cliff or in the sky. Similar to this is the heart that is infected with the wound of incurable love of the commandments of God! In this love is blessedness. The commandments are not merely found in the doing. Within them is hidden, and through them is revealed, spiritual wisdom."

- St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. "Blessed is the Man." The Refuge: Anchoring the Soul in God, Nicholas Kotar, trans., Volume 2 of The Collected Works of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Holy Trinity Publications, 2019, p. 5.

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