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Forgiven Like Peter

No doubt you had doubts

Dear Fisherman and

Apostle Peter.

It is clear you had fear

When accused by crowds,

Leader of Twelve.

You could not

Stop protesting a

Relationship with Jesus.

"I do not know Him."

"I am not" His.

I don't "know what you" say.

You objected three times

To the questions

Put to you that night.

When "the Lord turned and looked at" you,

With bitter anguish

You wept.

Then, there was a breakfast

On a shore

When you were asked anew.

"Do you love me more than these?"

"Do you love me?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, I do."

"Yes, Lord."

"You know all things. You know that I love you."

Forgiving, Jesus said, "Feed My lambs."

"Tend My sheep."

"Feed My sheep."

After betraying Jesus

Peter was restored.

And us, too.

We are shown mercy.

We are forgiven.

We are loved ...right now.

Partake of

His Body and Blood!

Pray in the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Apostle Peter, a 6th-century icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai.

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